It is currently 13 Mar 2025 02:13

Terms of use

By accessing “Foro Electrónico de Ecoener” ("Ecoener" or "the Company"), you agree to be legally bound by the following terms. Otherwise please do not register and/or use the "Ecoener e-Forum". The Company reserves the right to change the terms of use of the forum at any time, so please check back periodically. By continuing to register on the forum after the conditions of use have been modified, you agree to be legally bound by these new terms.

This forum has been set up by the Company in compliance with article 539 of the revised text of the Capital Companies Act to enable you to exercise your right to information and to disseminate the relevant information required by the legislation on the securities market, in the context of the holding of the Company's General Shareholders' Meeting, from the time it is called until it is held.

By using it, you undertake to do so in the manner and within the limits established by law, and to respect the principles of respect, good faith, politeness and non-discrimination on any grounds whatsoever. You may post on the Forum proposals that you intend to submit as a supplement to the agenda announced in the notice of meeting, requests for adherence to proposals already made, initiatives to reach a sufficient percentage to exercise a minority right provided for by law, as well as offers or requests for voluntary representation.

You also undertake not to insert comments or statements that, actively or passively, implicitly or expressly, directly or indirectly, may be considered disrespectful, offensive, racist, sexist, violent, inappropriate, in violation of the law and, in general, those that are inappropriate or exceed the purpose of the Electronic Shareholders' Forum. Under no circumstances may data or information of a personal nature of third parties be entered without the express and documented consent of the affected party, or impersonate the identities of others. No attempt may be made to infringe any legitimate right protected by law, nor may actions be taken to circumvent the technical restrictions established for this Forum in order to make improper use of the Forum or of the computer systems and equipment in which it is integrated. The insertion of any type of advertising or advertisement on your part is strictly prohibited.

The Company reserves the right not to include, or to exclude, as the case may be, communications that do not comply with the provisions of the document "Rules of the Electronic Shareholders' Forum", as well as to delete messages after a Meeting has been held. The responsibility for comments included in the forum lies with the author thereof, as the company has the power but not the obligation to moderate or delete them, nor to monitor the forum.

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